MINI Living Urban Cabin for LA features central intervention by FreelandBuck

Los Angeles architecture firm FreelandBuck has added a volume covered in bold graphics to the latest edition of the MINI Living Urban Cabin, a prototype micro home installed on a rooftop in the city’s Downtown area.

MINI Living Urban Cabin for LA features central intervention by FreelandBuck

MINI Living Urban Cabin for LA features central intervention by FreelandBuck

MINI Living Urban Cabin for LA features central intervention by FreelandBuck

MINI Living Urban Cabin for LA features central intervention by FreelandBuck

MINI Living Urban Cabin for LA features central intervention by FreelandBuck

MINI Living Urban Cabin for LA features central intervention by FreelandBuck

MINI Living Urban Cabin for LA features central intervention by FreelandBuck

MINI Living Urban Cabin for LA features central intervention by FreelandBuck

MINI Living Urban Cabin for LA features central intervention by FreelandBuck

MINI Living Urban Cabin for LA features central intervention by FreelandBuck

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